
If you can relate to any of these questions, perhaps we should talk.

Do you believe all advisors are the same?

I believe most people believe all advisors generally do the same thing. This is simply not the case. Our primary focus has been on investing. You may believe the industry focus is on investing. Based on our experience, in a vast majority of cases it is not. Advisors need cookie cutter investing to scale their business. This is another reason Ives Park was founded.

Do you believe the industry fees are fair?

We believe the finance industry is charging too much. Do you know how much you are paying in fees? Is there a management fee? Do you own mutual funds/ETF’s? How much are they charging? The best way to increase returns is to lower your fees. Our investment approach and drive for efficiency is consistently focused on driving fees lower. You will be aware of your total cost in working with Ives Park..

Do you think investing is gambling?

When you invest with the right approach you are not gambling. You are investing your money in companies that have products/services that typically generate profits. They may own manufacturing facilities around the world and other tangible assets. As a stockholder you are an owner of a business.

We feel that some investing is gambling. I refer to that style of investing as speculation. We minimize speculation by starting with the question: Is this a good investment?

Are you spending enough in retirement?

Deepening the relationship you have with your money is very important. Many people are either saving too much or not spending enough. We work together to understand why? Are you frugal for a reason? Fear, Past Events, or just not being aware? It’s our job to guide you in the right direction.

Do you want to outsource some areas of your life?

You will be making extremely challenging decisions as you move forward. Our passion is to help you through that decision-making process while ensuring your investments perform to our standards. Some people simply don’t have the time, desire, or confidence to manage their own investments. We are confident we can walk you through these decision points.

What’s the best strategy to pass on wealth to my kids?

My wife and I met in 1997. I live next door to my best friend from 7th grade. Long term relationships have been an important aspect to my life. I bring this up to talk about the relationship my clients have with their investments and assets. Our goal is to grow your relationship with your investments. As well as with your investments and how they relate to your family. I’ve seen it all at this point. I’ve seen husbands pass away and the wife have no idea what to do next. It takes years for them to pick up the pieces (emotionally and financially). In those cases, an asset transfer plan did not exist. It should. We can help.